FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions and General Information


I am private seller, what do I need to do to buy or sell here?

  • For buying, just look around our site, no subscription needed. If you want to contact a seller through our site, please register for our free subscription. (no credit card needed) The free plan also helps you keep your data private.

  • For selling, private sellers can use our free subscription, with which you can put in 1 new listing every day or use it to bump previous listings. If you need more listings, check out our paid subscriptions.

  • Your listing quota can also be used for bumping your previous listings.


I have a business, what do I need to do to buy or sell here?

  • For buying no subscription is needed. Just contact any seller.

  • For selling, choose 1 of our subscriptions and start advertising immediately. We offer subscriptions that have great advantages over other gun related listing sites. For this, please check out the next topic.


What are the advantages of a business subscription with Buyguns.us?

The Buyguns.us business subscriptions have a lot to offer! Businesses, and private sellers who want to offer more, can choose a subscription for a very fair fixed monthly price. Each subscription gets you daily listing quota which you can use either for new ads or for bumping older ones. No commissions ever! Buyers and sellers deal with each other however they want. Like we said, we love the free market.


  • List your products before a rapidly growing audience!

  • Your customers will be looking to buy here or sell their private stuff and while they do, you can grab their attention.

  • Got an older listing that needs some fresh attention? Just bump it to the top of the page. You’ll see it in your sales.

  • Got a special sale going on? Make an ad for it and get that extra traffic to your business.

  • Put a logo in your pictures for extra branding, no problem.

  • Our long ad titles get your message across in no-time to grab that attention.

  • Our listings support bold and italic text to emphasize the essentials.

  • We support direct links to your business website, product page, special sale page or your social media.

  • And all those links to your website help your Google and other search engine rankings.

  • People can leave reviews, which can help you build a strong reputation.

  • The subscription price shown is what you pay, no Sales Tax because we are located in Montana.

  • No strings attached, you can end your subscription up to 5 days before the monthly or yearly renewal.


You’re selling local only? Great! Visitors can choose a maximum distance they want to travel to a business. This excludes your competition from their search results and you come up on top!

You don’t offer many different products or services? Just use your quota for bumps instead of new ads and be on top of the lists more often.

I’m a private seller thinking about starting a business, what can Buyguns mean for me?

This is the easiest way to get well known online and grow a customer base and income without an expensive website! And with the income generated, you can expand the business quicker or get that website built. Buyers can leave reviews on your dedicated seller page so you can build a strong reputation. With the lowest subscription, you can continuously have around 450 products for sale on Buyguns.


What is the pricing structure and what hidden costs can I get?

We do not have any hidden costs. We have a very clear plan structure and you have the option to have your listing featured. That’s it! No yearly indexing of subscription amounts, no commissions and you can end your plan up to 5 days before renewal. And since we’re Montana based, no Sales Tax will be charged.



  • Private Seller Free subscription, valid for 1 year. 1 ad or 1 bump per day for $ 0.

  • Gold Seller Monthly subscription, 5 ads or bumps per day for $ 149.

Unused daily quota do not carry over! So 150 ads or bumps per month when actively used. Includes extra showcase for your company with your name displayed on the listing pages and direct links to your homepage or social media. (Search engines like Google love these direct links to your website)

  • Platinum Seller Monthly subscription, 8 ads or bumps per day for $ 199.

Unused daily quota do not carry over! So 240 ads or bumps per month when actively used. Includes extra showcase for your company with your name displayed on the listing pages and direct links to your homepage or social media. (Search engines like Google love these direct links to your website)

  • Gold Seller Yearly subscription, 5 ads or bumps per day for $ 149.

Identical to the Monthly version, but we give you 2 months for free.

  • Platinum Seller Yearly subscription, 8 ads or bumps per day for $ 1990.

Identical to the Monthly version, but we give you 2 months for free.



  • Each new listing has the option to make it featured for $ 5.

Featured ads are randomly shown on the homepage and above the regular listings for the duration of the ad (90 days or longer when bumped). Your listing will be shown randomly, so will not always be visible here. They are also shown above search results and filtered listings. This offers a lot of extra attention for your ad!



I want to end my subscription, what do I need to do?

We’re sorry to see you go, but we love freedom. Just send us a short message from the email address associated with your account up to 5 days before the next renewal and we will cancel your subscription, no questions asked. We will send you a confirmation of the cancellation and your listings will automatically be deactivated at the end of your plan.


If you want to share your reasons, we’d sure love to hear them as we want to keep improving this freedom marketplace!


I think someone is a scammer, what can I do?

Unfortunately scammers have found their way to the USA too and are hard to get rid of… They will one day need to answer to their Maker, but in the mean while please help us keep this site free of them. Though Buyguns is not part of any deal, we actively want to keep scammers away. Some options we offer:

  • Communicate through Buyguns.us, we know how to recognize scammers and their patterns and can protect your information while determining whether or not the buyer or seller is legitimate.

  • Every listing has a report scam link. Please use it and we will investigate from our side.

  • Scammers usually hate meeting you in person, so are not very likely to give you their location. But if they do, please take good safety precautions.

  • Leave your seller or buyer a review after every transaction. This will help keep our 2A community safer!


I have a 5 ads/day plan, but cannot place new ads?

Every plan has a daily quota for ads or bumps. Every bump or new ad goes off of your daily quota. Please also note that unused quota do not carry over, so come back every day to use your plan to the max.


Can I advertise with a banner?

Yes, you can. Please contact us at [email protected] or 469 975 2545 and we will be happy to discuss your wishes.